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August, K. J., Albright-Pierce, M. R. & Markey, C. H. (2022). Examining Health Experiences and Body Dissatisfaction in Two Unique Samples of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Health Psychology, 1-14. PDF

Markey, C. H., Albright-Pierce, M. R. & August, K. J. (2021). Raising Body Positive Adolescents. In A. Aime, J. Dion, & C Maiano (Eds.) Body Image: From Theory to Practice. Quebec, Canada: University of Quebec Press.

Nefs, G., Albright-Pierce, M. R., Kanc, K., Feinn, R. Wagner, J. (2020). Diabetes self-management decrements mediate the relation of stressful life events and HcA1c: Differences by race/ethnicity in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67, 282-285. PDF

In Preparation

Albright-Pierce, M. R., Rivera, G., Cole, S., & Barnwell, P. (under review). The upside of downward comparisons: Positive affective responses, reduced perceptions of stress, and greater prosocial behavior in the context of COVID-19-related stressors.

Matlock, K., Albright-Pierce, M. R., Bermudez-Millan, A., Perez-Escamilla, R., & Wagner, J. (under review). Urban environmental threat, depressive symptoms, and insulin resistance among low-income Latinxs with type 2 diabetes.

Rivera, G., Albright-Pierce, M. R., & Cole, S. (in preparation). Affective and motivational consequences of manipulating similarity in downward goal-relevant comparisons.

Image by Hal Gatewood

Last updated October 2024

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